Bardon Latrobe Football Club To Get New Field Lights

Bardon Latrobe Football Club will have new field lighting, thanks to a $104,000 grant for sports infrastructure in Queensland.

Read: Issues Raised on Proposed Stuartholme School Sporting Precinct Development in Bardon

The provision of new field lights are expected to help the club build in new training flexibility and attract new members. It’s currently one of the largest football clubs in Brisbane with over 700 registered members.

Member for Cooper Jonty Bush visited the club on 25 January 2023, with Minister Stirling Hinchliffe MP to see the progress of the new field lights. 

Bardon Latrobe
Photo credit: Bardon Latrobe Football Club/Facebook

Ms Bush said that over recent years, the Queensland Government has invested almost $380,000 in the Football Club including two new change rooms, aluminium seating, Active Clubs funding and $5,400 in FairPlay vouchers.

Bardon Latrobe
Ms Jonty Bush with President of Bardon Latrobe Football Club Samuel Casey and Minister Stirling Hinchliffe MP (Photo credit: Jonty Bush – Member for Cooper)

“Sporting clubs like Bardon Latrobe FC are very important for keeping Queenslanders of all ages active and healthy, and connected with their local community,” Ms Bush said.

They also announced the new funding programs for community not-for-profit sporting clubs, which will open on 31 January and will accept applications until 2 March 2023.

Grants, which start at $50,000 can be used for projects such as new upgraded and end-of-life replacement projects, Lighting, cycling trails, pathways, ramps, skateparks, fixed exercise equipment, change rooms, as well as upgrading tennis, netball, bowls or indoor court surfaces.

Photo credit: Bardon Latrobe Football Club/Facebook

Meanwhile, the State Government has recently launched the first round of FairPlay for 2023, providing up to 46,000 vouchers worth almost $7 million to help low-income Queensland families with the cost of sport and active recreation sign on fees up to $150.

Applications for FairPlay vouchers are open to parents, carers and guardians with a current Services Australia Health Care Card or a Pensioner Concession Card for students aged five to 17 years.

Read: Bardon House, The Villa That Inspired The Name Of A Suburb

Clubs and recreation providers participating in FairPlay and more information about family eligibility can be found at:

Published 31-January-2023

Bardon Latrobe Football Club Responds to Issues Raised by Local Petition

The Bardon Latrobe Football Club (BLFC) has issued a statement about a petition submitted by Bowman Park 4065 Friends, represented by Head Petitioner Simone Cross, raising various concerns and issues from some locals in the neighbourhood about the Club’s activities at Bowman Park.The Bardon Latrobe Football Club (BLFC) has issued a response to a petition submittedby Simone Cross, head petitioner and part of Bowman Park 4065 Friends, a group that has raised various concerns and issues in the neighbourhood about the Club.

Read: Locals Voice Concerns On Bardon Latrobe’s Expanded Hours Of Operation

In a media statement released by the Club to Bardon News, BLFC addressed issues raised by the said petition and reiterated that their commitment to keeping family sporting activities active in the local community has remained unchanged. 

The Bardon Latrobe Football Club traces its roots to a powerhouse merger of two of Brisbane’s oldest football clubs, the Latrobe Football Club (established in 1916 at Gregory Park, Milton) and Bardon Soccer Football Club (established circa 1926 at Bowman Park, Bardon). 

“Every Sunday and holiday its glades resound with the merry laughter of children and many, cricket & football clubs take advantage of its natural beauties.”   Quoted from: Cobblers flats page 6, Daily Standard, Sat 27th Feb, 1915
Photo Credit: Taken from the BLFC Website

This potent combination was the nucleus of the present-day Club, formed by the merger in 1970. The Club has carried on with the use of Bowman Park for sporting activities, a venue that parent club Bardon Soccer FC has been using since the early 20th century.

Despite some complaints to the contrary, the Club assured concerned nearby residents and other locals that operating hours have remained unchanged over the last 10 years, with sporting activities ceasing most nights at 9:00 p.m., a little later on Friday and earlier at the weekends.

“Bardon Latrobe Football Club would like to assure the community that it has not changed direction. It remains firmly focused on junior sport (80% of members less than 16 years old) keeping the local community active (85% of members live in Bardon or neighbouring suburbs),” Dr Phil Cowlishaw, former President and current Club Registrar, said. 

Bowman Park

Bowman Park is a popular neighbourhood destination because of its picturesque, natural creek ways, kids playgrounds, a basketball court, BMX track, bikeway, and bushwalking areas. The park is an on-leash dog area. 

Concerns have been raised in the petition that parts of the parklands are being used as overflow parking, damaging the vegetation in the area and creating a safety issue for park users. BLFC further explained that the Club is authorised to use the leased land behind the clubhouse, something it has done so “…for many years without any injury or mishap.”

The Club also allows free and unrestricted access to the leased playing fields for the general public to enjoy when they are not in use or under maintenance, although reminders are given to visitors to avoid any damage to the playing field and park. 

Inclusive Club

“The majority of our seniors who play at the club are mums and dads of the junior members who also volunteer and coach at the club. The club welcomes playing members of all ages, as young as 3 and as old as 61 years old and players of all genders and abilities,” Dr Cowlishaw shared.

Latrobe Ladies Football Club, 1921
Photo Credit: Taken from the BLFC Website
Over 30s Women’s Team (affectionately known as the Mum’s Team), 2021
Photo Credit: Supplied

Despite the ongoing controversy, the Club remains in constant communication with concerned neighbours and residents, to clarify issues arising from the petition. The petition, which will close on 30 October, has received just over 300 signatures from residents of Bardon and other neighbouring suburbs, as of the end of September 2021. 

For comments, suggestions or feedback, please contact the club by emailing

To view the petition on the Brisbane City Council e-Petition site, click here.

Bardon Latrobe Football Club to Get a $250,000 Upgrade

Bardon Latrobe Football Club (BLFC) is set to get a new changing room facility at Bowman Park following the Council’s approval of their development application.

The new building will be an addition to the existing clubhouse. There will be two modern, bright changing rooms with bathroom and shower facilities.

Bardon Latrobe Football Club
Photo credit:

The first stage of the development has been led by the committee in response to the feedback of members from their annual survey.

A $250,000 grant from Kate Jones MP has made the building work possible. Moreover, the club is still actively pursuing grants for  further development plans.

Bardon Latrobe Football Club Upgrades

Club President Phil Cowlishaw said the new changing room facility will help in transforming their club.

Bardon Latrobe Football Club
Photo credit:

“Not only are the new changing rooms going to finally address the concerns of our members around adequate facilities, they will also transform the way we are able to use the existing clubhouse,” Mr Cowlishaw said.

“The northern end of the current clubhouse can now be developed to provide modern bathroom facilities for our members and visitors. In turn, we will redevelop the ‘old’ changing rooms into a multi-function bathroom with baby changing facilities and disabled access,” he added.

Another part of the renovation is the transformation of the club’s old office. The old office will be developed and changed into two referee changing rooms.

Bardon Latrobe Football Club
Photo credit:

Furthermore, the final stage of the renovation involves the upgrade of the canteen, kitchen, and club room. With these upgrades, the club can have a café style menu and bar in the revamped space.

Plans for the club’s development became a reality through the aid of the grant writer, Seweryn Bialasiewicz and their architect, David Stone.

“Whilst we announce these plans today I’d like to thank our members for their continued support. We recognise that our facilities, particularly for our female members, have been inadequate for some time. The spirit of this club and our members continues to inspire us,” Mr Cowlishaw said.

Visit the Bardon Latrobe Football Club website to learn more.