Bardon Latrobe Football Club To Get New Field Lights

Bardon Latrobe
Photo credit: Bardon Latrobe Football Club/Google Maps

Bardon Latrobe Football Club will have new field lighting, thanks to a $104,000 grant for sports infrastructure in Queensland.

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The provision of new field lights are expected to help the club build in new training flexibility and attract new members. It’s currently one of the largest football clubs in Brisbane with over 700 registered members.

Member for Cooper Jonty Bush visited the club on 25 January 2023, with Minister Stirling Hinchliffe MP to see the progress of the new field lights. 

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Bardon Latrobe
Photo credit: Bardon Latrobe Football Club/Facebook

Ms Bush said that over recent years, the Queensland Government has invested almost $380,000 in the Football Club including two new change rooms, aluminium seating, Active Clubs funding and $5,400 in FairPlay vouchers.

Bardon Latrobe
Ms Jonty Bush with President of Bardon Latrobe Football Club Samuel Casey and Minister Stirling Hinchliffe MP (Photo credit: Jonty Bush – Member for Cooper)

“Sporting clubs like Bardon Latrobe FC are very important for keeping Queenslanders of all ages active and healthy, and connected with their local community,” Ms Bush said.

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They also announced the new funding programs for community not-for-profit sporting clubs, which will open on 31 January and will accept applications until 2 March 2023.

Grants, which start at $50,000 can be used for projects such as new upgraded and end-of-life replacement projects, Lighting, cycling trails, pathways, ramps, skateparks, fixed exercise equipment, change rooms, as well as upgrading tennis, netball, bowls or indoor court surfaces.

Photo credit: Bardon Latrobe Football Club/Facebook

Meanwhile, the State Government has recently launched the first round of FairPlay for 2023, providing up to 46,000 vouchers worth almost $7 million to help low-income Queensland families with the cost of sport and active recreation sign on fees up to $150.

Applications for FairPlay vouchers are open to parents, carers and guardians with a current Services Australia Health Care Card or a Pensioner Concession Card for students aged five to 17 years.

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Clubs and recreation providers participating in FairPlay and more information about family eligibility can be found at:

Published 31-January-2023